Spats and arguments etc often take place inside a family between its members or strangers. It is very important that a person charged with assault shall report the matter to an assault charges attorney near him so that he gets help from the attorney in all matters related to the case. The attorney teaches the accused what to disclose to the investigating officer and what not to. He also teaches the accused how to answer the queries of the prosecutor in the court.
But when these arguments continue uncontrolled emotions my run high, temper may rise up and eventually it may end up in physical abuse. Such incidences are considered as assaults in the eyes of law enforcing officers of the police department. Most states consider it as a serious offense that can lead to serious consequences and conviction by a court of law.
First degree assault
When a person purposefully harms another person by a hit or a by using a weapon, it constitutes a first degree assault. The perpetrator of this crime acts as if he has no regard for life of the victimized person. Such assaults are considered as class B felony by most states.
Second degree assault
When a person purposefully harms another person physically during a combat with a dreadful weapon it constitutes a second degree assault. A person who endangers the safety of other person that can leading to his death is considered as an offender of second degree assault. Most states have classified this offense as class C felony.
Third degree assault
Third degree assault occurs when a person accidently or willfully inflicts physical injuries to another person. This can be due to his recklessness, carelessness, or while using an instrument that can cause death. This is the least severe charge of attack in America and therefore carries the minimal punishment only.
The punishment awarded in assault cases in different states of the US depends upon the crime and the offense charged upon the accused. Third degree assault carries the least punishment which can be about one year imprisonment. The second degree assault is the medium type of offense and hence most States punish such crimes with imprisonment which can extend up to twenty years depending on the graveness of the offense, whether the offense was intentional and whether the offender is a habitual criminal etc.
The first degree assault is punished with life term imprisonment and fine that may extend to 25-30 thousand of dollars.
Contacting an attorney
Any person involved in an assault case has to remember that only with the help of an assault defense lawyer you will be able to get bail or get lesser punishments. An experienced assault charges attorney will be the best person to manipulate the case. He will guide the accused in every matter like interrogation by police officers and trial before the appropriate court of law. If the attorney can prove that the act of offense was committed not willfully but due to stress in his mind at that time or in an attempt to protect his life and property. Such arguments have often given good results. Therefore accused in assault case are advised not to waste time and meet the assault defense lawyer near you immediately.